2009年10月5日 星期一

My tango CV

【Eric Chang】

張志明 Eric Chang
大學時期於台大土風舞社開始接觸各國民俗舞蹈,並參與社團演出與教學。期間隨黃琪老師研習芭蕾,爵士,現代舞等舞蹈。研究所前後加入台北民族舞團與紅佤民族舞團,在鄭書正老師指導下學習中國民間舞及古典舞並參與舞團演出。2001年於台北探戈工作坊開始接觸阿根廷探戈,被豐富多變的音樂、親密的擁抱與無拘無束的即興風格深深地吸引,從此開始探戈之旅。自2003年開始曾多次前往日本、香港、美國及歐洲各地參加舞會及探戈節活動。於2004及2007年兩度赴阿根廷短期進修,學習探戈舞蹈並體驗阿根廷文化及生活。曾從 (依英文字母順序排列)
Damián Esell & Nancy Louzán
Esteban Moreno & Claudia Codega
Ezequiel Paludi & Sabrina Masso
Javier Rodríguez & Geraldine Rojas


Eric begins his dance in the Folk Dance Club in National Taiwan University. After studying ballet, Jazz, modern dance, and Traditional Chinese dance, he finally settled down in the path of Argentine Tango. He has been in the milongas and festivals in Japan, Hong Kong, United States and Europe. In 2004 and 2007, He went to Buenos Aires to study Tango and to live in Tango.
Eric learns from the following masters and is deeply inspired:
(in alphabetical order)
Damián Esell & Nancy Louzán
Esteban Moreno & Claudia Codega
Ezequiel Paludi & Sabrina Masso
Javier Rodríguez & Geraldine Rojas

He believes that Argentine Tango is the X-game of the close embrace, in which everyone is looking for the maximum liberty out of the minimum space. He also believes that tango expresses our experience and attitudes to the life more than just techniques and eventually everyone will find his own tango.

Eric left IC design business in 2007 and is working on Tango and Taichi Chuan for now.

視頻連結 vedio : http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/pvYzeDnh8TQ/

